Monday, June 6, 2016

Betty White: Fighting for The Animals

David Bachar
Mr. Hendlish
7 June 2016
Betty White: Fighting for The Animals
            Betty White once said, “Animals are near and dear to my heat, and I’ve devoted my life to trying to improve their lives”. White is well known for being an animal rights activist, an American actress, author, comedian, and singer. Betty describes that animals are one of her greatest and most important passions. She loved and was willing to do anything she could to help animals. Betty was born on January 17th, 1922 in Oak Park, Illinois. She was an only child growing up. During the Great Depression her and her family moved to California to make extra money. Although Betty is successful in many areas, she was especially passionate about animal rights.
            Betty is devoted to helping pets and is an animal health advocate. She is a supporter to many organizations like the Los Angeles Zoo commission, the Morris Animal Foundation, African Wildlife Foundation, and many more. Betty is best known for donating and contributing to the Los Angeles Zoo. Her love and care for animals has led her to support zoos and help endangered animals all over the world. Even though Betty donates and is part of the board at many zoos, just as importantly, she dedicates her time by volunteering and working at the zoos. She became passionate about animals since she was a toddler because her father would take in stray animals.
            For about forty years Betty has been part of the Los Angeles Zoo Association, since about 1974. As a member she educates the public in helping to save endangered species in the wild. She is also a long-time member of the board of the Morris Animal Foundation. In an interview Betty states that she had been an animal lover since her memory started. She grew up with an animal loving family who taught her to love all animals (Gambino). The Los Angeles Zoo honored Betty in February 2006. She was admired for her commitment to helping animals and was named an Ambassador to animals.
            Her passion for animal rights has shined through by creating a television show and book to educate the public. In the late 1960’s, Betty wrote and hosted a T.V. show called The Pet Set. In this television series, she brought in actors and actress as well as their pets to talk about the animals and the way they take care of them. In addition, she wrote a book about her love for animals and what she has done in the zoos. The book is called, Betty & Friends: My Life at the Zoo.  She wrote this book to help influence and inform the public about zoos and the animals living within that community.
            In conclusion, White was acknowledged for the positive work that she has done and the change that she has made over history. She has inspired the public and has raised awareness in countless ways. Not only has she donated, volunteering, and supported animals, she also raised awareness by creating a television show and writing a book. Although Betty is well known as an actress, specially “the golden girl”, her most moving projects has been working and educating the public about animals. It is clear the impact and change White has made through her countless awards and honors by zoos. Betty White is an inspiration and an important figure to the public. At the age of ninety-four Betty is still fighting and doing whatever is in her power to help animals all over the world. White is making the world a better place by teaching and influencing the public about what they could do to help animals everyday. Her work has made a positive impact around the world. Betty White is a true animal activist.

Works Cited:
Betty White. Animal Liberation Front. Web.
Join the Celebration and Honor a Golden Girl. Morris Animal Foundation. Web.

Gambino, Megan. "Betty White on Her Love for Animals."  History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places | Smithsonian. 14 May 2012. Web.

Ted Talk

This video is about the ways that the world can make leather, meat, and diary without killing animals. According to this video the world currently has a population of six billion and on a yearly basis kills 60 billon animals for leather, meat, and diary products. By 2050 the world will grow in population by four billion people and will have to kill 100 billion animals for leather, meat, and diary products. In the video the speaker describes how he can make leather, meat, and diary products without killing animals. Because of this invention the world will not have to kill animals for leather, meat, and diary ever again. 
My Opinion

I think that this invention could be one of the greatest inventions ever made if successful. I agree with everything that the speaker said. This invention could save the lives of 100 billion animals that don’t deserved to be killed. I think that anyone that doesn't agree with this invention is crazy because of how good it could end up being. If this invention isn't successful than 100 billion animals will be killed just for handbags, shoes, and food. 

Political Cartoon

Political Cartoons About Endangered Animals

In this cartoon, the tiger is telling the donkey the reasons that the specie is becoming endangered. It is listing facts that lead to endangerment such as loss of habitat. The donkey is responding by saying, that its specie knows that the tiger going through. This is a strong photo that sends a message to the public. It illustrates the sadness and shows how severe the situation is. 

This political cartoon depicts a Bald Eagle showing that too many animals are being treated in an inhuman way and are being used for other things. It also illustrates and is trying to educate the public about the Endangered Species Act. It is trying to persuade the world by showing a Bald Eagle fading away slowly. It shows that out beautiful beloved animals are being hurt by us humans. 

Jewish Perspective: Animals

Jewish Perspective: Animals

The treatment of animals is different in within every culture and religion. Judaism illustrates the importance of how people treat animals. There are very strict rules and laws in place concerning the treatment in animals. The Jewish law restricts harming animals in any unnecessary way. Therefore, people are restricted from killing without a greater purpose. This also means that people are unable to kill animals for pleasure or entertainment purposes at any time. However, the Torah says that if there is a legitimate human need than people are able to use animals. “In the Torah, humanity is given dominion over animals” (Gen. 1:26). The Jewish people believe that animals should be treated equally to human beings. In the Bible it is stated that the way a human will treat an animal is the same way they will treat another human being.  One of the most important principles in the Jewish laws is that the law prevents tza'ar ba'alei chayim, which means humans are not allowed to make animals suffer. In the law, those who hurt and are cruel to animals are villains and those who care for animals are seen as a hero (Gen. 30, Ex. 31, I Sam. 17).
In addition, the way animals are treated and slaughtered is more humane in Judaism than in other religions. According to a local Rabbi, animals are raised and slaughtered in a specific way that does not hurt the animal. For example, animals are raised with care and without being abused. Also the way animals are slaughtered makes it less harmful towards the animals. For example, the Rabbi stated that chickens are cut at the nerve system, therefore when they are finally killed they feel no pain.
Many of the Jewish leaders cared for animals the way they cared for humans. For example, Israels first king, Kind David, was a shepherd. Also, Moses was chosen for his mission because of the way he treated animals. Similarly, one of the reasons that Rebecca was chosen to be Isaacs wife was because of the care and kindness she showed to animals.
Leviticus states, "Any Israelite who kills an ox, or lamb, or goat, in or outside the camp, and who doesn't bring it to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting to sacrifice it to God [literally: bring it close to God] at God's dwelling-place, he is guilty of murder:  he has shed blood; and he shall be cut off from among his people."  (Lev 17:3-4). Overall, Judaism treats animals in a more humane way.

Works Cited:
Caine, Nadav. MINDFUL SLAUGHTER: THE ONLY ALLOWANCE FOR KILLING ANIMALS. On1Foot Jewish Text for Social Justice. Web.

Treatment of Animals. Judaism 101.Web.

10 Facts About Endangered Animals

10 Facts About Endangered Animals

  1.  As many as 30-50 percent of all species are heading towards extinction by mid-century.
  2. The Endangered Species Act of 1973, protects endangered species from being shot, harmed, captured, trapped, etc.
  3.  As of January, 2016, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists 2,244 plants and animals as threatened or endangered worldwide. This includes 1,590 plants and animals in the United States.
  4.  There are over three thousand endangered species in the world.
  5.  Animals and plants face a large number of different threats with many of them being a direct result of human activity.
  6. Turtles are among the world’s most endangered vertebrates, with about half of all turtle species threatened with extinction.

7.     One third of open ocean sharks are threatened with extinction. Scientists estimate that 26 - 73 million sharks are killed each year for the global fin trade.
8.     According to the IUCN Red List, there are more threatened species in Ecuador than any other country (2,265), which is greater than Brazil (784), the USA (1,214) and Indonesia (1,149).
9.     Many consider the Javan rhinoceros to be the most endangered mammal. With its recent extinction in Vietnam, less than 50 remaining individuals are confined to the Indonesian island of Java.
10.  There are currently more endangered amphibians than any other animal group, a startling 1,900 species, which accounts for around 30 percent of all described amphibians.

Works Cited:

Endangered Species. ARKive. Web.
11 Facts About Endangered Species. Web