Sunday, June 5, 2016

Animals in Ancient Greece

        Ancient Greece Blog Post
In Ancient Greece animals were often used for entrainment purposes. For example, since early times animals were used in the Olympic Games. This is where the use of animal cruelty was seen most during Ancient Greek times. The Olympic games were a series of events that had the best athletes competing against each other for the title of “best in the world”. During these games they would sacrifice for pleasure and entertainment. Animal sacrifice was one of the biggest part of the ceremonies. For example, there would be pigeon shooting during the opening of the games. There were also many other animals sacrificed and shot during these games such as deers. Animals were also used with athletes during the games.
In comparison to the Olympics in Ancient Greece animals are not used for competition in the Olympics. Today animals are seen in a different light and more respected then they where in the time of Ancient Greece. Although animals are endangered today, they are not legally used for sacrificing purposes. This is the main difference between ancient Greece and present day. What surprised me was the way animas where used for entertainment purposes in Ancient Greece and how disrespectful and inhuman they where treated. It makes look at the world differently because it shows that the world is advancing in the way it treats animals and that the world will continue to advance. This can help combat the injustice today because it shows the the world is advancing in the way it mistreats animals and that in the next years the world will stop specific things like animals testing. It is interesting to know because it helps show the way the world is evolving and will continue to evolve.

Works Cited:

"Olympic Self-Sacrifice." History Today. Web.

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