Sunday, June 5, 2016

Animals In Ancient Rome

Animals in Ancient Rome

             In every day life, the Romans in Ancient times would use animals in many different ways. The Romans were very interested in wild animals. They would love to look at them, observe their uniqueness, watch them play, and watch them be hunted and killed. There were many exotic animals in Rome. Even though there were no zoos in Ancient Rome, the Colosseum was used for many animal events and others like the Gladiator fights. An example of when the Romans would look at animals would be when monkeys would be dressed as soldiers and get carried around by goats on chariots. One of the most famous and resourceful animals in ancient Rome were the Elephants. Not only were Elephants used in the Coliseum but they were also used for other things like transporting wealthy men and woman to dinner. Elephants were also used for in trade. For example, in building trade the Elephants would carry, lift, and pull huge weights. Elephants were also used as a secret weapon for the military because the enemies have never seen this big and strange looking animal before. Overall, animals were used for

            I think that the way animals were treated in ancient Roman times were inhumane and not fair to the animals. The animals were getting abused and were used for other purposes such as, entertainment, war, transportation, trade, etc. In the world now animals still get treated with disrespect and in an inhuman way. I do not think that the way animals are getting treated is better now than it was in ancient Roman times. I was not surprised by the way animals were treated because Romans were aggressive and vicious people. Many of their city-states were known for war and battle. It is interesting to know because it shows that the world is not progressing in the way animals are treated and that we need to change our ways.


Ancient Roman Animals: The History of Animals in Italy. Explore Italian Culture. Web.

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